Stre@mline presentation at Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA

On Thursday10th October 2019, Samuel Mugisha presented Stre@mline to business delegates from Japanese companies in cooperation with JICA. The event took place at the Yamasen Japanese restaurant in Muyenga-Kampala. The event was attended by 16 Japanese business people plus parties from the Embassy of Japan and JICA Uganda.
A number of Japanese companies were fascinated by Stre@mline. In Japan, the government has to give incentives to hospitals to use Electronic Medical Medical Records and especially to report to the government using the electronic method. Companies expressed the importance of Electronic Medical Records and data in improvement of the quality of healthcare especially in reducing cost and infection control. Some of the companies promised to work with Stre@mline to ensure that is a success and that it improves the life expectancy of people in Uganda.
On a lighter note, Samuel tasted sushi for the first time at the dinner that was organised after the presentations.