Uganda to raise against Ebola

As the istreams team was winding up the installation of STRE@MLINE (one of the most powerful local Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for Uganda’s healthcare) at Kasese Community Medical Centre, they were met with devastating news about The outbreak of EBOLA in Kasese region.
So it is true what we say at iStreams; “Data saves lives”. If we were equipped as a country to apply EMRs in all our local health facilities, then we would be in position to generate enough reliable data to make a difference in healthcare in this country. Researchers, great thinkers, innovators would work with all this generated data to come up with “firewalls” to prevent the outbreak and spread of such deadly diseases and to ensure the safety of those who participate in the process of disease management. To achieve the status of A DISEASE FREE NATION, Uganda has to invest in data generation, management, research and innovation.
Stre@mline is now running in seven health facilities in Uganda and it’s effectiveness has been published by independent teams of researchers in four medical journals; JMIR, Springer nature (twice) and the South Sudan medical journal. The biggest uniqueness of STRE@MLINE is it’s safety features. For example, at the first stage of patient screening (triage), the healthcare service provider will feed into the system all symptoms as presented by the patient. If these symptoms matched the symptoms of a deadly highly spreading disease like Ebola, the system will automatically prompt the healthcare service provider to isolate the patient from the queue immediately and quarantine him for further investigation. This not only saves the lives the other patients in the queue and health workers, but also calls for immediate attention to the case of this patient. So it is true what we say at iStreams; “Data saves lives”.