Stre@mline presentation at Ministry of Health Uganda

Samuel Mugisha of Stre@mline did a presentation at Ministry of Health Uganda on 2nd of June, 2017. The presentation was done together Matthew Wiens of Center for International Child Health and Dr. Nathan Kenya-Mugisha of Walimu who presented about their ‘Smart Discharges program‘. The Ministry of Health Technical working committee was very impressed by the work that the Stre@mline team was doing. They were particularly impressed by the fact that Stre@mline facilitates clinician input unlike other existing solutions where data clerks enter key clinical data into electronic systems which is retrospective and creates room for data entry errors. They were also very impressed by the fact that Stre@mline generates reports that match output formats of Ministry of Health including HMIS 105, 108, 106a and 033b. This is the beginning of strategic collaborative efforts between Stre@mline and the Uganda Ministry of Health.