Stre@mline implementation at Lacor Hospital

Lacor Hospital adopts Stre@mline for their Pediatric oncology unit. The implementation begun in June, 2018. St. Mary’s Lacor hospital is the largest health centre in Gulu serving Northern Uganda. The hospital hopes to adopt Stre@mline to the other departments as well.
Stre@mline is a customisable Electronic Medical Records Software suitable for use in resource poor settings. Stre@mline is designed to be very flexible so that local staff can update it. In contrast to many systems where changes take time to organize and are often costly, Stre@mline is easy to customise and update by users whilst ensuring data protection is robust.
Stre@mline includes safety prompts and resources for staff directly relevant to a patient’s specific clinical problem. It incorporates early warning system data to identify and prioritise sick children or adults to ensure critical care is not delayed. Stre@mline builds in Uganda Ministry of Healthguidance. Stre@mline Health facilitates communication of patient care between different staff professionals.
Stre@mline allows data such as x-rays and lab reports to be linked to patient records and facilitates better care should the patient re-attend. Stre@mline stores chronic diagnoses and treatments making data entry much quicker. Many patients lose their medical forms and x-rays and may consequently have unnecessary investigations etc. but Stre@mline allows 24-hour access to summary data on patients’ attendances and warns staff of patient allergies etc. Stre@mline is the perfect software for use in hospitals in resource poor settings.