Stre@mline endorsed by UPMB

Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau(UPMB) has endorsed Stre@mline for use in its hospitals.
UPMB is a network of 302 faith based non-profit hospitals and health facilities in Uganda.
Stre@mline was developed in collaboration with a sister UPMB hospital; Church of Uganda Kisiizi Hospital and is
in use in 2 other UPMB hospitals; Kagando Hospital and Rugarama Hospital.
Stre@mline will offer UPMB hospitals a discount. “This is the beginning of something great. If we can work with UPMB and scale across its hospitals, we will impact the whole country. UPMB hospitals are unique in the way they offer care. They are committed to the work they do and have a mushrooming community health insurance platform that we hope to blossom. This collaboration will help to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare offered by hospitals and hence save lives”- Samuel Mugisha.
Please find letter of endorsement attached.