10 reasons why Stre@mline is the best EMR platform for your hospital

Stre@mline is an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) platform produced in Uganda by Innovation Streams Limited (Istreams). Stre@mline is the reason Innovation Streams has been featured as among the top 50 companies that can help address East Africa’s health challenges by the International Financial Corporation; World Bank Group.
Background of Stre@mline
The only reason Stre@mline was built was to address the huge problems facing the healthcare system in Uganda. With time it has become clear that Stre@mline is a solution that works not only in Uganda bit also across the borders. The problems affecting healthcare in Uganda are similar to those in almost every other country on the African continent and beyond.
How data is obtained, managed, handled, used or even stored remains a huge challenge for not only the patients but also for the government. Decisions are then made based on inaccurate data and that has not helped in implementation and eradicating the health problems.
Stre@mline is beyond an idea. It’s a fantastic solution currently working in over 14 hospitals in Uganda. Here are 10 reasons Why Stre@mline is the best EMR for your hospital.
- Integration: Stre@mline offers you the possibility to run all your hospital’s departments on one platform. From demographics, triage, consultation, investigations, pharmacy, administration/finance, outpatient and inpatient departments, stores, operating theatre, specialised clinics and with all the necessary reports. Fragmented systems create data silos hence duplication of data.
- Customisation: One other thing that makes Stre@mline unique is the ease with which it is customised to meet each client’s needs. From a large hospital with several departments to a small clinic with just a few stations, Stre@mline will meet their need.
- Patient safety; Stre@mline is strong on patient safety. With more than 10,000 prompts and information to ensure that the patient is not harmed, Stre@mline helps clinicians to make informed decisions.
- Information resources: Stre@mline embeds a number of reference resources that staff can go to whenever they need to refresh their knowledge on a subject. This is key for continuous training of staff. In addition, this affirms knowledge and supports decision making.
- With stre@mline, all your reports are just a click away. Be it financial or Health Management Information Systems reports, Stock management or any sort of departmental report, they are quick and easily accessible.
- Data safety and backup; With triple back up model, your data is safe and safely backed up in case of data loss, a fire, or even a malicious software unlike with paper records that would totally be wiped out and all useful data lost.
- Ease to use; At all the sites that Stre@mline has been implemented, it has proved to be very easy to use even with the basic computer skills by most staff. Many items are easily searchable or in quick dropdown lists to reduce the time a clinician takes to enter data so they can give more attention to the patient.
- Affordable; The cost of acquisition of Stre@mline is relatively low compared to all of the competition. The pricing model caters for any hospital depending on the number of users in the health facility.
- Easy and accessible support; Stre@mline is made in Africa for Africans. Being a locally made solution, the cost of support is very minimal. The flexible support team is readily available to provide support both physically and online!
- Quality of data; Stre@mline facilitates clinician input in the system. As a result the data generated in stre@mline collected is mostly accurate.
Help us help you get Stre@mline today and be unstoppable!